Registration Form

Do you want to enquire about our pricing, current offers and arrangements we can help you with? Give us a call or send in your concerns through the form below.


    'Irua' is the Kikuyu Community's concept and process of male circumcision and rite of and tempered with contemporary socio-cultural realities where such do not dilute or passage. The programme is anchored on Kikuyu Custom infused with military discipline negate the core intended and desired outcomes of the traditional Kikuyu Irua.

    The indispensable parties to the Irua process are the following: -
    1. The Initiate
    2. The Initiate's biological Father (unless exceptional circumstances exist*)
    3. The Initiate's Mother
    4. The Initiate's Maternal Uncle
    5. The Mutiiri (the Initiate's Mentor)
    6. The Muruithia (the Surgeon)

    Cardinal to the achievement of a successful Irua programme for each Initiate is the partnership and commitment of the Initiate, his Father and the Initiate's Mutiiri. The earlier these participants gel and "get with the programme", the more instructive, successful, meaningful and enjoyable the Irua programme will be for all.

    The following is the guide to the selection of an appropriate Mutiiri:

    1. A young circumcised man between 22 and 30 years old.
    2. Known to the family of the Initiate.
    3. Upright in society so that he can be of positive influence to the Initiate. A role model so to speak.
    4. One that can understand the "teen" language and can easily relate with the Initiate.
    5. The Mutiiri should NOT be a blood relative of the Initiate i.e. not a brother, cousin or Uncle.
    6. It is preferred that the Mutiiri is not married due to the rigors of young family engagements and demands on his availability.
    7. The Mutiiri needs to be ready to walk with the Initiate for his lifetime.

    Programme Administrative Imperatives:

    1. Demonstrated commitment to the Irua process i.e. do not miss scheduled and communicated Irua programme meetings, engagements and activities
    2. Responsiveness of Participants to communications issued e.g. confirming attendances at scheduled and communicated Irua programme meetings, engagements and activities
    3. Time Keeping
    4. Honouring of Payment Obligations
    5. Compliance with disciplinary guidelines advised and communicated
    6. Adherence to communicated administrative guidelines as issued from time to time
    7. Appropriate dressing and comportment

    Registration Particulars:
    Date of Expression of Interest:
    Name of Initiate:
    Date of Birth of Initiate:
    Name of Registering Parent/Guardian/Sponsor**:
    Relationship with Initiate:
    Telephone number:
    If not already supplied:
    Name of Father:
    Telephone number:
    Name of Mother:
    Telephone number:

    **I, ID/Passport number
    being the registering Parent/Guardian/Sponsor do confirm and warrant that I have legal custody of the Initiate and the requisite legal authority to enroll him in the Irua 2024 (Varsity Ville Estate) Programme.

    Programme Costs:



    Amount [Kes]


    Mandatory non-refundable Registration Fee to be paid on or before attendance at the first meeting with the respect to the Initiate


    W% of the Balance of the Programme cost on or before Y


    X% of the Balance of the Programme cost on or before Z


    One goat provided by the Father of each Initiate to the Muruithiria Mucii and Council of Elders on or before attendance at the second meeting with the respect to the Initiate


    Payment details of Registration fee: (Kindly supply details of the payment of the registration fee in this space.)

    That Said, Confirm your Sign-Up:

    Signature of Parent:



    Telephone number:

    George Njogu Wainaina (Muruithiria Mucii)
